Red Top Brigade Movement Youth Attack Parliament

Two Youth from the Red Top Brigade Movement have on Wednesday attacked Members of Parliament in their chambers accusing Parliament of being the pivot of corruption in the country.

The attack happened while Parliament plenary was in session and members were debating a statement from the Minister of State for Lands, Persis Namuganza.

These two were seated in the stranger’s gallery, they later raised up holding petitions, they jumped from the gallery down to the chambers and began distributing the documents to the legislators.

This caused panic among members who later joined hands and roughed up the youth together with the Sargent at Arms and the Parliament Police. These were later arrested and detained by Parliament Police

According to the documents left behind, the two identified themselves at Mutaasa Kafeero and Sekanjako Dafala members of the Red Top Brigade Movement.

The Speaker, Rebecca Kadaga later resumed the house and calmed for calmness amo0ng members so that they can establish the reason behind the attack by the youth.

Kadaga later warned that Parliament will deal severely with any members of the Parliament that wish to invade their space.

“I just want to remind the members of the public that Section 18 (a) of the Parliament Powers and Privileges Act, it’s an offence for any person to create a disturbance which interrupts or is likely to interrupt the proceedings of Parliament. Therefore the people who were here committed an offence under the Parliament Powers and Privileges Act,” Kadaga said.

She added that, “I also remind the public that if you want to demonstrate, there are ways of demonstrating, if you want to be dramatic jumping like Rambos, the National Theatre is there or you can go to the City Square and demonstrate from there.”

Kadaga added that the attackers are all residents of Kawempe South Constituency represented by Mubaraka Munyagwa.

“One of them says that he is actually a doctor which I can’t tell if it is so but they said that the reason they attended the Parliament debate was to be able follow up on national issues. They arrived here at 15: 53hrs,” Kadaga said.

She added, “I want to urge members to encourage their constituents to either come by appointments and if they want to protest they should inform us so that they are advised on how to do it but not to invade this chamber.”

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